Wake Forest University School of Law, J.D., 2003
Alma College, B.A., 2000
Bar Admissions
- District of Columbia
- Michigan
Court Admissions
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Court of Appeals
- Sixth Circuit
- Ninth Circuit
U.S. District Court
- Eastern District of Michigan
- Western District of Michigan
- Northern District of Illinois
Scott Eldridge focuses his practice on management-side labor and employment law, governmental litigation, and commercial litigation.
He represents colleges and universities, municipalities, non-profits, public bodies, government contractors, and commercial enterprises in state court, federal court, and administrative tribunals. Scott also routinely represents his clients in the Michigan Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court.
Labor and Employment Law
• Employment litigation defense (discrimination, harassment, whistleblower claims)
• Title VII of the Civil Rights Act; Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA); Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA); Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA); Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA); Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA);Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act (USERRA); Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA); Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA); Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX); and Michigan analogues, including Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, Whistleblowers' Protection Act, and Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act.
• Defending Union Grievance and Unfair Labor Practice Charges
• Union Elections
• Collective Bargaining
• Union Avoidance
Governmental Litigation
• Ballot Questions (Including Board of State Canvassers proceedings)
• Election Law
• State and Federal Administrative Law
• Michigan Constitutional Law
• U.S. Constitutional Law
• Government Contracts/Procurement
• Municipal Law
General Litigation
• Higher Education Litigation and Title IX Compliance
• Sports Law
• Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and Fair Credit Reporting Act Defense
• Commercial Contract Disputes
Representative Matters
Successfully defended hospital against FMLA claim brought by a nurse who wanted to work a reduced schedule for a variety of personal and medical reasons.
Successfully appealed Court of Claims decision upholding constitutionality of initiated law by ballot question committee related to the hunting of wolves in Michigan. The unanimous Court of Appeals concluded that the initiated law violated Article 4, Section 24 of the Michigan Constitution, known as the Title-Object provision.
Obtained a preliminary and permanent injunction against the State of Michigan’s enforcement of a recent change to the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, which was amended to prohibit public bodies or their agents from referencing local ballot questions during the 60-day period leading up to a local election. The federal district court agreed that the legislation violates the U.S. constitution.
Successfully defended a city clerk accused of violating state law after rejecting a ballot question committee’s petition sheets for not having the requisite number of valid signatures.
Successfully defended athletic association in trial court and court of appeals against breach of contract claims by client’s former vendor seeking millions of dollars in alleged damages.
Successfully obtained dismissal (by motion) of age discrimination case on behalf of Fortune 500 auto manufacturer.
Successfully defended a multi-plaintiff claim of interference and retaliation under ERISA filed by former employees against a large Chicago-based museum. After numerous depositions and significant discovery, the court granted summary judgment in favor of the museum, dismissing the case with prejudice.
In one of the first cases in Michigan addressing the preservation of electronic evidence, successfully moved to dismiss a former employee's same-gender harassment claim against a Michigan insurance company based on his deletion of mass amounts of electronic files from his personal computer during discovery. On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court's dismissal.
Successfully defended one of the nation's leading debt collection companies in a case filed by a debtor-plaintiff. The court granted summary judgment on the merits and, in the alternative, dismissed the case as a sanction based on the debtor-plaintiff having manufactured evidence.
Obtained summary judgment from federal district court on behalf of a local hospital in an FMLA lawsuit filed by a nurse. The court concluded that the plaintiff was not entitled to the rights to which she laid claim. The matter is pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
Successfully defended a Michigan Judge's right to retain her "incumbent" status on the primary election ballot.
Successfully obtained summary judgment in federal court on behalf of a municipal police department accused of sexual harassment. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit affirmed summary judgment in favor of the police department on appeal.
Successfully defended a county clerk's decision to place a candidate for the State House of Representatives on the general election ballot. The plaintiff, a candidate for the State House, challenged another candidate's residency and sued the county clerk to have him removed from the ballot. The court dismissed the plaintiff's challenge after motions and lengthy oral argument, thus approving the county clerk's ballot.
The Fellows of the Michigan State Bar Foundation
Chambers USA, Labor & Employment (Band 3), 2019-present
"Go-To Employment Lawyer," Michigan Lawyers Weekly, 2021
Michigan Super Lawyers, Employment Litigation Defense, Rising Star, 2011-2017
Lansing Community Newspapers, 2011 People's Choice Awards, Favorite Lawyer
Professional Activities
Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Health and Human Resources Committee, Member/Past Chair
Michigan State University Inn of Court, Barrister
American Bar Association
State Bar of Michigan, Labor & Employment Law Section
Ingham County Bar Association
Civic, Cultural & Social Activities
East Lansing Educational Foundation, Board Member
Highfields, Inc., former Board Member, Chair
"Common Election Law Questions," Co-Presenter with Wendy Richards, Michigan Township Association Legal Institute, April 22, 2024
"Student Affairs Litigation Review: Lessons to Take Back to Campus," Panelist, NACUA 2023 Annual Conference
"FMLA Intermittent Leave: Is it medically necessary, or being abused?" SEAK's Annual Workers' Comp & Occupational Medicine conference, 2014
"Litigation Issues Involving Social Media in the Workplace," Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association conference, 2014
"Hot Topics in Labor and Employment Law," Greater Lansing SHRM Annual Employment Law Seminar, 2014
"Reasonable Accommodations Under the ADA, Latest Developments," Michigan Primary Care Association seminar, 2014
"Reconciling the ADA and the FMLA While Managing Employee Attendance," Michigan School Business Officials Annual Conference, 2014
"Hot Topics in Labor and Employment Law: Are Your Policies Keeping Up?," Greater Lansing SHRM Annual Employment Law Seminar, 2013
"FMLA & GINA Compliance: Tips for Curbing Employee Abuse of Intermittent Leave and Avoiding Violations," MI-SHRM Annual Conference, 2013
"Managing Employees on FMLA Leave," Michigan School Business Officials Annual Conference, 2013
"Managing Intermittent FMLA Use," Capital Healthcare & Employment Council meeting, 2013
"Curbing FMLA Abuse," Michigan Government Financial Officers Association, Annual Advanced Payroll Seminar, 2013
"New Laws and Pending Legislation Affecting HR Professionals," Human Resources Management Association of Mid-Michigan Annual Employment Law Seminar, 2010
"Primer on FMLA Compliance," Michigan Manufacturers Association, 2010
"FMLA Compliance," Genesee Area Human Resources Association, 2009
"Managing HR in Tough Economic Times, Human Resources Management Association of Mid-Michigan Annual Employment Law Seminar, 2009
"Personnel Files and Document Retention Policies, Genesee Area Human Resources Association, 2008
"Proposed FMLA Regulations," Human Resources Management Association of Mid-Michigan Annual Employment Law Seminar, 2008
"Detroit Public Schools in Tax Battle with Michigan Treasurer," The Bond Buyer, Quoted, February 6, 2025
"Employment Law Handbook:A Guide for Michigan Employers" (editor), Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Annually