Northwestern University, J.D., cum laude, 1991
Brown University, B.A., magna cum laude, 1986
Bar Admissions
- Illinois
- New York
Court Admissions
U.S. District Court
- Northern District of Illinois
Glenn Weinstein has extensive experience helping government and private clients with debt finance, secured lending, project finance and related areas of tax, governmental, real estate and securities law. Glenn's practice includes significant experience with sophisticated financing structures over a broad range of transactions.
Glenn has served as bond counsel, disclosure counsel, underwriter's counsel and trustee's counsel on tax-exempt bond issues for numerous state agencies and local governments in Illinois and other states. Glenn also assists Illinois local governments with tax increment finance and other economic development matters.
Glenn has handled matters involving general obligation, limited tax, revenue and alternate revenue source bonds, and conduit issues for airports, solid waste disposal facilities, industrial development projects, multi-family housing, universities, hospitals and charter schools. He has worked extensively with multi-modal financings, advance and current refundings, forward purchase offerings, tender offers, reissuances of tax-exempt bonds, interest mode conversions and substitutions of credit facilities, trustees and remarketing agents.
Glenn is the former chair of the National Association of Bond Lawyers' Securities Law and Disclosure Committee and is a frequent panelist at NABL conferences. Formerly, Glenn served as a law clerk for the Honorable John A. Nordberg of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
Representative Matters
- Co-Bond Counsel for the City of Chicago's $254,210,000 Second Lien Water Revenue Bonds, Project Series 2023A, and $322,205,000 Second Lien Water Revenue Bonds, Refunding Series 2023B.
- Co-Disclosure Counsel for the City of Chicago's $171,800,000 Chicago O'Hare International Airport Customer Facility Charge Senior Lien Refunding Bonds, Series 2023.
- Bond Counsel for the City of Chicago's $336,000,000 Second Lien Water Revenue Bonds, Project Series 2023C Taxable, funding a WIFIA loan from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- Disclosure Counsel for the City of Chicago's 2022 issuance of $1.76 billion in revenue bonds for Chicago O'Hare International Airport, consisting of the following: $1,110,055,000 of its General Airport Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2022A (AMT); $150,450,000, General Airport Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 2022B (Non-AMT); $164,420,000, General Airport Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2022C (AMT); and $343,080,000, General Airport Senior Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2022D (Non-AMT).
- Co-Bond Counsel for the Sales Tax Securitization Corporation (City of Chicago) $605,430,000 Sales Tax Securitization Bonds, Taxable Series 2019A.
- Co-Bond Counsel for The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority $697,870,000 Toll Highway Senior Revenue Bonds, 2019 Series C (Refunding).
- Co-Disclosure Counsel for the Chicago Housing Authority $325,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018B (Federally Taxable).
- Co-Bond Counsel for the County of Cook, Illinois $155,630,000 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2018.
- Bond and Disclosure Counsel for the Regional Transportation Authority, Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties, Illinois $150,000,000 General Obligation Working Cash Notes, Series 2018A (Taxable).
- Co-Bond Counsel for the State of Illinois $500,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series of May 2018.
Chambers USA: America's Leading Business Lawyers for Public Finance (Band 1), 2024
Leading Lawyers: Public Finance Law, 2012–present
Professional Activities
National Association of Bond Lawyers (Former Chair, Securities Law and Disclosure Committee)
Civic, Cultural & Social Activities
Facets Multimedia, Volunteer
- Chair, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2022 Institute Seminar – "Coffee Talk: Trends and Issues in Primary and Continuing Disclosure"
- Panelist, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2022 Institute Seminar – "Roles and Responsibilities of Disclosure Counsel"
- Chair, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2022 Essentials Seminar – "General Securities Law"
- Chair, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2022 Essentials Seminar – "Role of Underwriter's Counsel"
- Panelist, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2021 Essentials Seminar – "General Securities Law"
- Panelist, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2021 Essentials Seminar – "Role of Underwriter's Counsel"
- Panelist, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2020 Essentials Seminar – "General Securities Law"
- Chair, National Association of Bond Lawyers 2020 Essentials Seminar – "Role of Underwriter's Counsel"
"Market ponders disclosure changes amid threat to tax exemption," The Bond Buyer, Interview, February 24, 2025
Co-Author, "Practical Considerations in Electronic Disclosure for State and Local Governments," Municipal Finance Journal, Volume 40, No. 3 (Fall 2019)
Federal Securities Laws of Municipal Bonds, Co-Editor, Deskbook, Sixth Edition
Project Chair, National Association of Bond Lawyers Model Letter of Disclosure Counsel