University of Warsaw, Master of Law, 2008
British Law Centre – studies in English and European Law organized by University of Warsaw in Cooperation with University of Cambridge, 2009
Bar Admissions
- Poland
- English
- French
- Polish
Krzysztof Kałłaur is a licensed attorney (adwokat) in the firm's Warsaw office.
He specializes in real estate and issues connected with property development and investments. In particular, he has extensive experience analyzing the legal status of real properties (due diligence), preparation and negotiation of agreements concerning acquisition of real properties, advising on legal aspects of real estate development, and supervising administrative proceedings regarding decisions requested in the construction process.
Moreover, Krzysztof has extensive experience in advising and representing clients at all stages of civil and administrative court proceedings, in particular commercial and real estate disputes. He also advises at pre-trial stage, including conciliation and mediation proceedings.
Krzysztof is fluent in English and speaks proficient French.
He graduated from Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration in 2008. In 2009, he completed a course in English and European Union Law organized by the University of Cambridge in co-operation with Warsaw University.
Representative Matters
Retail Operator - Real Estate
Representation of company during its expansion of supermarket chains in Poland by providing legal advice on numerous development projects, including securing and subsequent purchase of the lands, lease of the lands, buildings and premises, as well as assistance with the construction process.
Shopping Center Operator – Real Estate
Representation of company in commercialization of shopping mall, including negotiations of contracts with the tenants.
Industrial Developer – Real Estate
Representation of entrepreneur in administrative proceeding on environmental issues concerning realization of petrol station.
Residential Developer – Real Estate
Representation of residential developer in process of sale of real property in residential project.
Commercial Investor – Real Estate
Due diligence for complex of real properties, developed with structures of historical value in connection with realization of a large commercial project.
Retail Operator - Real Estate and Construction Litigation
Representation of entrepreneur in court dispute regarding purchase and development of real property.
Industrial Developer – Real Estate and Construction Litigation
Representation of industrial developer in dispute concerning proper performance of construction contract concerning realization of warehouse facilities.
Retail Operator – Commercial Litigation
Representation of retail operator in court dispute concerning performance of lease agreement regarding premises in the shopping mall.
Residential Developer – Bankruptcy, Restructuring and Insolvency
Representation of residential developer in bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings concerning subcontractors of construction works.
Individuals – Litigation
Representation of various individuals as ex officio assigned counsel in various civil and administrative proceedings, including matters connected with maintenance of real properties.
Professional Activities
Warsaw Bar Association, admitted 2014
"Rights of the final recipient in case of energy supplies suspension," Polmaintenance 2010 congress, Warsaw, May 12-13, 2010 (co-speaker Marcin Jakubaszek)
"Wybrane zagadnienia związane ze wstrzymaniem prowadzonych robót budowlanych przez organ nadzoru budowlanego (Selected issues related to the suspension of the construction works by the construction supervision authority)", PMR no. 5 (194), 10 May 2017
"Ustalanie warunków zabudowy w przypadku gruntu leśnego – wybrane zagadnienia (Determining development conditions for forest land - selected issues)" – PMR no. 4 (181), 7 March 2016
"Postępowanie naprawcze dotyczące zrealizowanej inwestycji w przypadku wyeliminowania pozwolenia na budowę z obrotu prawnego (Remedial proceeding concerning completed investment in case of elimination of a construction permit from legal existence)" – PMR no. 5 (170), 7 May 2015
"Legal due diligence – jak się do tego zabrać? (Legal due diligence of the real property – how to deal with it?)" – Facility Manager no 3 (68)/2014 – June/July 2014
"Realizacja inwestycji na podstawie etapowego pozwolenia na budowę (Execution of project authorized by phased building permit)" - Polish Construction Review no 11 (152), November 7, 2013
"Odstępstwo od przepisów techniczno-budowlanych (Exception from technical and construction regulations)" - Polish Construction Review no 8 (149), 1 August 2013
"Zmiana sposobu użytkowania obiektu budowlanego (Alteration of the manner of use of the building structure)" - Polish Construction Review no 11 (140), November 2, 2012
"Aktualizacja opłat za użytkowanie wieczyste (Amendment of the perpetual usufruct fee)" – Wspólnota no 5, February 4, 2012
"Oddanie obiektu budowlanego do użytkowania (Release of the construction structure for occupancy)" – Polish Construction Review no 6 (123), June 2, 2011
"Przeniesienie pozwolenia wodnoprawnego (Transfer of a water permit)" – Polish Construction Review no 7 (112), July 1, 2010
"Odpowiedzialność przedsiębiorstwa energetycznego za wstrzymanie dostaw energii elektrycznej (Responsibility of the energy company for suspension of the energy supplies)" – Energy for Business, January 2010
"Ustawa o wspieraniu termomodernizacji i remontów (Act on supporting thermo-modernization and repairs)" – Special supplement to Facility Manager and Monitor Zamówień Publicznych) – April 2009
"Prawo upadłościowe i naprawcze po ostatnich zmianach (Bankruptcy and Remedial Act after recent changes)" – Polish Construction Review no 4 (97), April 2, 2009
"Upadłość inwestora a sytuacja prawna innych uczestników procesu budowlanego (Legal standing of building process participants upon investor’s bankruptcy)" – Polish Construction Review no 3 (96), March 5, 2009
"Wyłączenie gruntów z produkcji rolnej w procesie inwestycyjnym (Exclusion of land from agricultural production during investment process)" – Polish Construction Review no 11 (92), November 6, 2008