Case Western Reserve University School of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 2006
Northwestern University, B.S. and M.S., Materials Science & Engineering, 1995
Bar Admissions
- Illinois
- Michigan
- U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
Court Admissions
United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
United States District Courts
- Eastern District of Michigan
- Western District of Michigan
- Northern District of Illinois
- Northern District of Indiana
Greg Lewis has developed extensive expertise in patent prosecution, as well as IP litigation and counseling. With a robust background as a former engineer and project manager at Lockheed Martin and Medtronic, Greg combines technical acumen with legal proficiency, particularly in materials science-, mechanical- and chemistry-driven technologies.
Greg collaborates closely with inventors to prosecute U.S. and international patent applications, prepare opinions, interview patent examiners and negotiate IP agreements. His prosecution practice encompasses a wide range of technologies, including glass, ceramic and glass-ceramic substrates, thin-films and coatings, adhesives, fittings, metal alloys, medical devices, electrochemical processes, semiconductors and other electronic device-related innovations.
Greg's IP litigation experience is extensive, having successfully handled patent and trademark cases involving automotive safety devices, digital audio integration in vehicles, adaptive cruise control systems, piston coatings, refrigerator shelf manufacturing, liquid crystal displays, helical pilings, countertop designs and poultry loading device technologies. His experience in these matters has run the gamut, including serving on a trial team, taking and defending depositions, appearing at hearings, serving as local counsel and working on joint defense group teams.
In addition to patent prosecution and IP litigation, Greg frequently drafts and negotiates simple and complex joint development agreements, licenses, assignments and confidentiality agreements. He also counsels clients on trade secret and non-compete agreement issues.
Representative Matters
- Drafting and prosecuting patent applications for the global protection of a material science-driven company’s technologies and products, as well as providing patent counselling in connection with procurement and enforcement of its patents
- Providing patent procurement services and patent clearance evaluations to a leading veterinary surgeon and related company in support of their inventions and products
- Prepared and prosecuted patent applications in various materials-, mechanical- and chemistry-related technologies: electronic devices, solar cells, laminates, thin films, optical and hard coatings, glass and ceramic articles, medical devices, vehicular components, refrigeration units, optical fibers, fittings, and adhesives.
- Prepared numerous patent clearance, patentability, non-infringement, and invalidity opinions for clients
- Drafted and negotiated numerous complex IP agreements for clients with universities and other third parties, including joint development, joint assignee, license, asset purchase, and nondisclosure agreements
- Appeared and litigated various patent infringement actions related to automotive, semiconductor, aerospace alloy and other mechanical technologies
- Prepared various litigation work product, e.g., summary judgment and claim construction briefs, discovery papers, expert reports, motions to compel, invalidity and infringement contentions
- Negotiated and resolved various scheduling and discovery disputes with opposing counsel and co-counsel, and participated in various dispositive motion hearings, depositions, and pre-trial and jury trial proceedings
- Defended automotive manufacturer against patent infringement action related to side impact sensors; and obtained favorable summary judgment ruling
- Served as local counsel in a patent action related to countertop designs
- Represented manufacturer in a patent action related to helical pile technologies
- Enforced research and development client's patents related to LCD technologies
- Defended global automaker in patent infringement action related to occupant detection systems and obtained favorable summary judgment ruling
- Represented international manufacturing and design company in patent infringement action related to refrigerator shelves and obtained favorable verdict of patent validity and infringement
Pro Bono Experience
- Michigan “Road to Restoration” Clinics – serving as volunteer attorney to assist residents in navigating the process to reinstate their driver’s licenses through a free initiative by the Michigan Department of State, the Michigan Department of the Attorney General, DTE Energy, Miller Canfield, the Detroit Justice Center, the Michigan Association of United Ways, 211 and host locations, 2024–2025
- Election Protection – attorney volunteer in numerous nonpartisan primary and general election voter hotline shifts, 2024
- Expungement fairs sponsored by Legal Aid of Western Michigan and Grand Rapids Public Schools – volunteer attorney for individuals seeking expungement of convictions, 2021–2023
- People v. Swain, No. 150994 (MI S. Ct.) – represented former Michigan prosecutors pro bono in obtaining pro hac vice admissions for out-of-state attorneys filing amicus brief on their behalf
- People v. Koh, 09 CR 9151 (Circ. Ct. Cook County, IL) – represented defendant pro bono in obtaining orders requiring attendance of Michigan witnesses at a trial in Illinois
Grand Rapids Magazine, Top Lawyers, Intellectual Property and Patent Law, 2024
Professional Activities
American Intellectual Property Law Association
Federal Bar Association, Western District of Michigan Chapter
Grand Rapids Bar Association
American Bar Association
Civic, Cultural & Social Activities
Patent Pathways® - serving as a law firm mentor to expand representation in the patent field, 2024–2025
Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce – serving on corporate Round Table, 2024-25
Michigan World Trade Week – serving on planning committee, 2024-25
“Protecting Your Intellectual Property Abroad,” 39th International Business Conference, Michigan World Trade Week, Speaker, May 7, 2025