University of Warsaw, Master of Law, 1998
Bar Admissions
- Poland
- English
- Polish
- Spanish
Anna Kowalczyk-Pogorzelska is a licensed legal advisor (radca prawny) who specializes in real estate, commercial, and administration law.
Her experience includes advising a variety of foreign and Polish investors on site acquisition and financing, development of real properties, leasing land and buildings, as well as advising domestic and foreign banks, financial institutions, and investors on establishing financial instruments in different stages of the investment process. She has participated in many investment projects, including logistic distribution centers and projects in the public-private partnership sector. She also participated in privatizing state-owned entities and assisted in major due diligence projects, particularly focusing on real estate title checks, as part of several privatization and mergers and acquisition transactions.
Representative Matters
Provided legal advice on numerous development projects, including securing and subsequent purchase of land or lease of land and buildings; assistance during the construction process of expansion of supermarket chain in Poland.
Provided legal advice, including securing and subsequent purchase of land and buildings; assistance during the construction process of expansion of petrol station chain in Poland.
Provided legal advice, including securing and subsequent purchase of land and buildings; assistance during the construction process of expansion of fast food chain in Poland.
Assisted borrowers and lenders in connection with granting construction and investment loans and transfer of receivables.
Represented international investor in competing for a public tender to create a public-private partnership with a local government to design, construct and operate a geothermal center.
Represented a building operator in purchasing and selling office buildings in Warsaw.
Complex consultancy during negotiated leases of the office space for the client.
Negotiated leases for the logistic distribution centers of Poland’s leading household products manufacturing and selling company.
Negotiated leases for office space for the leading broadcasting company in Poland.
University of Cambridge, studies on English and European Law
Professional Activities
Warsaw District Bar of Legal Counsels, Admitted 2003
American Bar Association
"Zakres czasowy ochrony w ubezpieczeniach medycznych (triggery ubezpieczeniowe - wyzwania)," VII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Hospital Management. Wyzwania 2013, Warsaw, 20-21 June 2013
"The implementation of PPP projects in the new legal conditions--construction of public car parks in the system of concessions for construction works and services," (Co-Presentor Konrad Marciniuk), 7th International Trade Fair of Municipal and Road Infrastructure, Warsaw, Poland, October 16, 2009, Warsaw, Poland
"Projektowane zmiany w użytkowaniu wieczystym” – PMR no. 11 (188), 3 November 2016
"Zmiany w zakresie ochrony gruntów rolnych w granicach administracyjnych miast” – PMR no. 1 (166), 8 January 2015
"Nowe ubezpieczenia szpitali po nowelizacji," (Co-author Agata Apanel), Medinfo 2012
"Postepowanie przed wojewódzkimi komisjami do spraw orzekania o zdarzeniach medycznych," (Co-author Agata Apanel), Medinfo 2012
"Czy samodzielne publiczne zaklady opieki zdrowotnej moga pobierac oplaty od pacjentów?" Medinfo 2012
”Taniej i szybciej z pozwem zbiorowym,” Gazeta Prawna, April 28, 2009
”Szczególna ochrona najemców," Facility Manager no. 3, June 2008
“Wykonalnosc decyzji administracyjnej,” Gazeta Prawna nr 133 (1242) 9-11 lipca 2004, dodatek Prawo i Zycie
“Foreign acquisition of property in Poland," British Chamber of Commerce, artykul dla portalu internetowego British Chamber of Commerce, 18-12-2002 (
1. Projektowane zmiany w użytkowaniu wieczystym” – PMR no. 11 (188), 3 November 2016