- Frederick A. Acomb, FCIArb
- Matthew P. Allen
- Thomas G. Appleman
- Brad B. Arbuckle
- Jeffrey S. Aronoff
- Robin W. Asher
- LeRoy L. Asher Jr.
- Elizabeth B. Baker
- Marjory G. Basile
- Kimberly A. Berger
- Alexander J. Clark
- Thomas D. Colis
- Thomas W. Cranmer
- Gregory D. DeGrazia
- Katrina Piligian Desmond
- Lawrence M. Dudek
- Joseph M. Fazio
- Steven M. Frank
- Samantha S. Galecki Sager
- Caroline B. Giordano
- Leonard D. Givens
- Gerald J. Gleeson II
- Gary R. Glenn
- Jonathan S. Green
- Joseph D. Gustavus
- Michael W. Hartmann
- Ronald E. Hodess
- Brian H. Holt
- Shawn N. Hopper
- Paul D. Hudson
- Joseph C. Huntzicker
- Joseph M. Infante
- Amy M. Johnston
- Lara L. Kapalla-Bondi
- Jeffrey L. LaBine
- Stephen S. LaPlante
- Scott R. Lesser
- Christina J. Marshall
- Michael P. McGee
- Patrick F. McGow
- Jeffrey M. McHugh
- Sonal Hope Mithani
- Robert E. Murkowski
- Megan P. Norris
- Gregory A. Nowak
- A. Michael Palizzi
- Steven A. Roach
- Jennifer L. Sabourin
- Larry J. Saylor
- Brian Schwartz
- Kimberly L. Scott
- Julianne Cassin Sharp
- Ronald A. Spinner
- Marc N. Swanson
- Amanda Van Dusen
- Richard A. Walawender
- Shusheng Wang
- Airports
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation
- Appeals
- Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Automotive Litigation
- Bankruptcy Litigation and Appeals
- Bankruptcy, Restructuring and Insolvency
- C&I and Asset-Based Finance
- Canada
- Capital Assets and Infrastructure
- Cash Flow and Working Capital
- Charter School Finance
- China
- Class and Collective Actions
- Commercial and Corporate Litigation
- Commercial Lending Enforcement, Insolvency and Litigation
- Commercial Real Estate Finance
- Commercial Real Estate Finance Workout, Foreclosure and Litigation
- Copyrights
- Corporate and Transactions
- Corporate Governance and Compliance
- Corporate Real Estate
- Corporate, Securities and Commercial Transactions
- Creditor and Creditors’ Committee
- Criminal Defense Litigation
- Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
- Debtor Representation
- Distressed Automotive Supplier
- Distressed Municipalities and Debt Restructuring
- Distressed Transactions and Bankruptcy Sales
- Doing Business in the United States
- Economic Development
- Economic Development Incentives
- Employee Benefits and ERISA
- Employment and Labor
- Employment Litigation
- Environmental Litigation
- Financial Services
- Franchise, Dealer and Sales Representative Litigation
- Governmental and Public Entities
- Governmental Entities
- Governmental Litigation
- Higher Education Finance
- Hospitals and Other Nonprofits
- Housing
- Human Resources Counseling and Training
- Immigration
- India
- Insurance Litigation
- Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- International
- International and Cross-Border Insolvency
- International Disputes
- International Sales and Commercial Transactions
- K-12 Education Finance and Election Law
- Labor Relations
- Leasing
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- Litigation Support Services
- Loan Enforcement and Restructuring
- Loan Syndications and Credits
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Mexico/Latin America
- Patents
- Poland
- Product Liability and Torts
- Product Warranty Litigation
- Professional Liability and Malpractice Litigation
- Public Finance
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Acquisition and Disposition
- Real Estate and Construction Litigation
- Real Estate Development
- Receiverships, Real Estate Owned and Loan Portfolio Acquisitions & Dispositions
- Registered Investment Advisory
- Related Government Services
- Renewable Energy Development and Finance
- Securities Litigation
- Securities Regulation
- Startups and Venture Capital
- Swaps and Derivatives Structuring
- Tax Compliance
- Tax Litigation and Consulting
- Tax: Federal
- Tax: State and Local
- Trade Secrets and Non-Competes
- Trademarks and Brands
- Trusts and Estates
Sixty-Five Miller Canfield Attorneys Named in DBusiness Top Lawyers
Miller Canfield is pleased to announce that 65 of its attorneys in 38 practice areas have been named in the 2022 DBusiness Top Lawyers list.
The DBusiness Top Lawyers list is published annually in the magazine’s November/December issue. The list is based on a peer-review survey of more than 19,000 lawyers in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw and Livingston counties.
DBusiness is an independent business magazine that provides news and insights relevant to the Detroit region. It publishes annual lists of the area’s top companies in industries including: accounting, banking, legal, insurance, health care, hospitality, construction, higher education and more.