Michigan: The New Corporate Income Tax
Approved for two hours of CPE credits
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Refreshments, cocktails and an opportunity to network will follow
Business tax in Michigan is changing again. This seminar provides a comprehensive overview of the new Michigan Corporate Income Tax and helps prepare businesses for the transitional challenges. The speakers, each with a long history of working with government and helping taxpayers, will provide useful advice and practical tips.
Topics to be discussed:
Overview and key elements of the Corporate Income Tax
Technical elements of the new tax including
tax base
pass through and disregarded entities
NOLS and credits
FAS 109 and FIN 48 Implications
Transitional issues and planning
Changes to the individual income tax: unitary and composite return filings and apportionment
The "final" Michigan Business Tax Return and unresolved issues with the MBT
Who should attend:
Controllers, tax managers, tax directors, accounting and tax staff, chief financial officers, any tax professionals, finance professionals and others interested in state tax should attend.
Register three days prior:
Space is limited. There is no cost to attend.
Virginia Herrick 313.496.7548