Michigan: State Taxes in a Changing State
2:30 - 4:30 PM (followed by cocktails and hors d'oeuvres)
Co-sponsored by Miller Canfield, Michigan Manufacturers Association and BDO
As Legislators and public officials seek to rebuild the Michigan economy, taxes have once again become a focus for change. This seminar will address the many potential changes being discussed and implemented in Michigan and suggest ways for businesses to plan for the transition and protect themselves in the change to come. It will provide an annual update of recent developments within the Department of Treasury and in Michigan courts that affect your taxes. The speakers, each with a long history in working with government and helping taxpayers, will provide useful advice and practical tips.
Topics to be discussed:
- Preparing for New Taxes: Introduction to the taxes, the problems and the transition
- Amnesty: Considerations and strategies to plan for the new tax amnesty beginning on May 15
- Michigan Business Tax Updates: Top issues and new administrative guidance
- Sales and Use Tax Updates: Case Updates, new issues in taxing software, defining services and property exemption administration and direct pay permits
- Property Tax: Classification disputes and property tax appeals
- Audit Trends, New Procedures and Other Exotic State Tax Twists
Who Should Attend:
Controllers, Tax Managers, Accounting and Tax Staff, Chief Financial Officers, any tax professionals, finance professionals or others interested in state tax.
Holiday Inn (Downtown)
Grand Rapids, MI (Directions)
There is no cost to attend. Reservations are required. This program will be approved for two hours of CPE Credits in Tax
Questions: Sandy Bera