ClickShare wireless presentation system

The power of wireless collaboration


At the click of a button, the content of your laptop is displayed on the large screen.

Watch this video to learn how to use ClickShare.

Print this ClickShare Quick Reference.




Connect, click and share.  That’s what Click Share stands for.  No hassle with cables, no configuration, no re-adjusting your laptop’s resolution.  Using the optimal settings for your system, ClickShare gives you access to the large meeting room screen – instantly.

ClickShare is intuitive.  With only one button to push, little is left to figure out: all the basic functionality is optimized for use with a single click.

ClickShare enables everyone to share content on the large meeting room screen.  By stimulating the participation of all attendees, meetings are more interactive.  More good ideas come out, discussion is more thorough, and decisions are taken more quickly.